Building a radiant future together

The Meaning of IJOSE: 'God's Day'


IJOSE is not just a name; it is a promise and a calling. It stands for "Illuminate Journeys, Offer Support, Empower." This is the essence of who we are and what we stand for, together with your help we aspire to change the lives of young women and men around the world.

Who we are

. Learn more about the foundation, why we exist, our mission and what we strive to get done in the upcoming years.

What we do

We aspire to create change through various projects worldwide. Have a look at our previous, current and upcoming projects.

How you can help

Help us achieve our goals by making a donation to the foundation. Together we can make a difference and help impact the lives of the youth.


Do you want to reach out to us for more information, a collaboration or a press request? Leave a message for us on the contact page.